
Taking a greater interest in cooking has changed the way I shop
For the last nineteen years, we’ve lived in Kingston upon Thames, having moved here as a young family in the early nineties. During those years the way we shopped for food changed considerably, as our two children grew older. When the kids were little we always had them in tow, so for convenience we mostly used supermarkets and journeys were by car. As our kids grew older and didn't need to accompany us the pattern changed. In the past seven years Charlie and I have been able to do most of our shopping using our bicycles. With increasing volume of traffic in our neighbourhood the car has now become an inconvenience. Riding a bicycle affords us the means to nip about swiftly and has enabled us to easily explore new places and markets. Of course, just like everyone, we still use supermarkets however, where possible we nearly always visit one of Kingston’s open air markets.

The Two Markets
The first is the “Ancient Market under Royal Charter”, more commonly known as "Kingston Market" which is open six days a week. Although this market has a variety of traders selling a range of goods, it is mostly associated with the sale of fruit and veg. One noteworthy and longstanding trader we regularly buy from is Websters Fishmongers, based at 29 Market Place, KT1 1JH. Below is Charlie, pictured with Tim "The Codfather" at Websters.

The second is the “Fairfield Monday Market” where both permanent and casual traders can be found. It is at this market where you can find the butcher, Barry’s Price Meats. We’ve been buying meat from Barry’s for several years and can attest to the quality of his produce. Service is always friendly and entertaining.

Barry's Price Meats

Fairfield Market Fuit and Veg
A popular fruit and vegetable stall at the Fairfield Monday Market.