Apple Computer Help & Support for South West London

07955 895679

Mac OS X Help & Support - call 07955 895679

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OS X and Software Applications

deMont can provide on-site visits to businesses or home users to install and set up new machines or Operating Systems. Please call to discuss what can be done to help keep your computer networks running efficiently, all of the time.

Apple's Operating System, OS X, is legendary for it's ease of use. It's apparent simplicity makes it an obvious choice for many who want to avoid technological headaches. However, many advanced features of the OS are disguised, giving the user the illusion of simplicity. Apple computers naturally have their complications and dare I say imperfections. When things begin to creak behind the slick finish it may not be obvious what has gone wrong and what can be done to correct the problem. deMont Digital Services offer practical solutions to users who come unstuck from the comfort of the surface processes, and are struggling for solutions in the misty depths of their Mac.

deMont Digital Services have their roots in the design, print and publishing industry. Accordingly we are very capable users of most applications used within that field and are confident to support companies or individuals who requires assistance in this area. Our expertise encompasses Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Quark Xpress as well as being adept with web publishing software and Internet techniques. We can provide tuition and support to give users a greater understanding of these programs.

deMont Digital Services © 2015 - Kingston Upon Thames, UK - Telephone: 07955 895679