Lentil Burgers - makes 4 large burgers

1 cup/8oz split red lentils
12-14 fl ozs water
1 onion
1 garlic clove, crushed
2 tbsp oil
1/2 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp ground coriander
1/2 tsp turmeric
1 egg, beaten
2 tbsp lemon juice
salt and pepper
+ whatever extra spices you might like

Wholewheat flour for frying
Oil for shallow frying

Wash the lentils very well and then add with water to a heavy based medium saucepan. Cook for about 30 minutes simmering, until the lentils are pale and soft and all the water has been absorbed. I use a heat diffuser so that the lentils can be cooked without burning. You will need to keep an eye on them, stirring quite often. Once cooked, leave to cool down.

Peel and finely chop the onion, fry in the oil with the garlic for about 10 minutes, add the spices and fry for a further 2-3 minutes. Add the onion and spices to the lentils, together with the beaten egg, lemon juice and seasoning to taste. Extra spices - it really is up to you. I have added other things such as a bay leaf to the lentils while cooking, crushed chillies, Srichacha chilli sauce, pomegranate sauce, lime juice, tamari...Cover and put in the fridge for at least 1/2 an hour.

Remove from fridge, form into small rissoles, coat each one in wholewheat flour. Fry in the oil, a few at a time.

Can be served with either sweet hot chilli sauce or yoghourt, garlic, lemon and parsley/chives.