Wholemeal Seeded Bread

I have been making this loaf to this recipe in my bread machine at home every week for the past year and a half. It is without doubt our firm favourite!

525ml warm water
2 tsp salt
1 Tbsp white sugar
1/2 Tbsp brown sugar
3 Tbsps milk
35g butter
350g wholemeal strong bread flour
250g white strong bread flour
80g Mixed malted bread flour
Mixed seeds to equal 80g (pumpkin, sunflower, linseeds, sesame seeds)
2 tsp dried rapid yeast

Add all the above ingredients into your loaf tin, in the above order, starting with the warm water.
Use the following settings:
Color Dark
2lb Loaf
You will have a lovely loaf in 2 1/2 hours - perfect for sandwiches and wonderful toast.