How to make Perfect Basmati Rice

When I was at school, cookery classes were referred to as Domestic Science. With that in mind, making ‘perfect’ rice is possible if you follow the recipe exactly, as if carrying out a scientific experiment.

Firstly, to make enough for 4 people, measure 14 Fl ozs of dry rice into a liquid measuring jug. Cover with cold water and then leave to soak for at least 1/2 hour.

Drain and rinse the rice under cold water a few times before tipping all the rice granules into a large pan with a well fitting lid.

Boil a kettle and add 1 pint (exactly) of boiling water to the rice. Bring to the boil, add a little salt, turn down the heat to simmer and place the lid on the pot.

Set a timer for 10 minutes. Do NOT be tempted to lift the lid and look at the rice - you will ruin it. By letting out all the heat and steam you will be left with soggy, sticky rice. If anyone tries to sneak a look, you have my permission to give them a resounding smack!

When the timer goes off, remove the lid and check there's no water left in the bottom. You can use the rice straight away, or just leave it with the lid slightly cocked whilst you finish off the rest of your cooking.

If you need to make more quantities of rice, you just double or treble the quantities of rice to water:

7 fl ozs
0.5 pint
For 2
14 fl ozs
1 pint
For 4
21 fl ozs
1.5 pints
For 6
28 fl ozs
2 pints
For 8

A very important point to remember: badly kept cooked rice is one of the chief causes of food poisoning. If you have leftovers, let them cool down, cover and keep in the fridge until next needed. Treat it exactly as you would cooked meat and everything will be fine.